Our C&MD receiving the Best Detective of the Year 2012 Award,
from H.E. Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, Former President of India

Our C&MD with Association of Private Detectives of India ,
during 7th Security Leader ship Summit 2012

'Mr. Amitab Bachan being escorted by our Bodyguards
(towards his left & right) and our Security Guards (extreme right)

'Our C&MD with the security professional he adores most,the then young Prince Rahul,
now the great King of Security Business and C&MD of Tops Grup, Dr. Dewan Rahul Nanda

'Our C&MD with H.E. Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, Former President of India ,
during 7th Security Leader ship Summit 2012

'Our C&MD, the then President of Rotwry Club,
in a routine social activities'

Our C&MD receiving the Best Detective of the Year 2012 Award,
from H.E. Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, Former President of India

'Our C&MD with the security professional he adores most,the then young Prince Rahul,
now the great King of Security Business and C&MD of Tops Grup, Dr. Dewan Rahul Nanda